Ten UFO incidents

2. Kenneth Arnold Sighting: On June 24th, 1947, Kenneth Arnold spotted nine unnaturally fast moving unidentified flying objects while flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington. This sighting is widely considered to be the first documented sighting of a UFO in the United States, and the corresponding news coverage touched off a wave of popular interest in the topic.3. Roswell Incident: On July 7th, 1947, a mysterious object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. The wreckage had a strange metallic composition and there were stories about extraordinary bodies found on the site. Despite the US government’s insistence that it was a weather balloon, many people believed that it was a genuine extraterrestrial spacecraft.

4. Maury Island Incident: On June 21st, 1947, two fishermen, Harold Dahl and Fred Crisman, reported a flying saucer over the waters between Tacoma and Vashon Island in Washington. The flying saucer allegedly dropped metal debris onto their boat before flying off, and Dahl later claimed to have been visited by a man in a dark suit who warned him not to tell anyone about what he had seen.

5. Lubbock Lights: On August 25th, 1951, several residents of Lubbock, Texas reported witnessing a strange light formation in the night sky. After several more sightings of similar formations, the lights became known as the “Lubbock Lights”. Scientists later determined that the lights were most likely caused by a group of birds flying in V-shaped formation.

6. The Invasion of Washington DC: On July 19th, 1952, multiple US military personnel reported spotting up to 25 strange circular objects in the sky over Washington DC. Fighter jets were dispatched to investigate the objects, but no contact was ever made and the UFOs quickly disappeared. The incident has become known as “The Invasion of Washington DC” and is one of the most famous UFO incidents in history.

7. Mariana UFO Incident: On April 24th, 1950, a UFO was apparently sighted in the skies near a US Air Force bomb storage facility in New Mexico. The Air Force responded quickly and sent up three fighters to investigate the object, but disappeared shortly afterward and were never seen again. The object was never identified and the incident has become one of the most mysterious sightings in American history.

8. Westall UFO Incident: On April 6th, 1966, hundreds of students from Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia witnessed a strange craft fly slowly and silently over the school. Several teachers and parents also reported seeing the UFO, though the incident has been largely forgotten in the years since.

9. Rendlesham Forest Incident: On December 26th, 1980, US military personnel stationed at RAF Woodbridge reported encountering a strange craft in the nearby Rendlesham Forest. The military personnel reported a series of strange lights, terrifying noises, and even physical contact with extraterrestrial beings.

10. Phoenix Lights: On March 13th, 1997, thousands of Arizona residents reported seeing a triangle-shaped object in the night sky, later dubbed “The Phoenix Lights”. Witnesses reported a V-shaped craft traveling slowly and quietly and some individuals even reported alien creatures walking around on the craft. The incident remains one of the most famous UFO sightings of all time.